- Numerous presentations for CITIES. Please see the CITIES website for the complete list of CITIES presentation. 2014->present
- Annual Meeting for the Swedish Society for Medical Statistics (FMS) and the Danish Society for Biopharmaceutical Statistics (DSBS), Kastrup, April 2010.
- European Wind Energy Conference and Exhibition, Warsaw, April 2010.
- Vattenfall Meeting on Forecasting, Amsterdam, April 2010.
- IAWIND Conference, Iowa, April 2010.
- IMSE Research Colloquium, Iowa State University, April 2010
- Snedecor Memorial Lecture, Iowa State University, April 2010
- Lappeenranta University of Technology, Lappeenranta, March 2010
- National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Athens, March 2010
- EU and EU-Interreg IV Workshop on Electric Cars, Lyngby, March 2010
- Nordic Meeting on Grey Box Modelling, Kastrup, January 2010
- Haldor Topsøe on Statistical Modelling, Lundtofte, January 2010
- Well Field Meeting, Lyngby, December 2009
- Climate Conference, Copenhagen, December 2009
- DTU Aqua, November 2009
- NordSee Wind Meeting, Hamburg, September 2009.
- Climate Day, Lyngby, September 2009
- International Climate Conference at Risø, September 2009
- DTU Alumne Day, August 2009
- University of Aalborg, June 2009
- Seminar ‘Better City — Better Life’, Changhai, June 2009
- Green IT and Intelligent Building, Wuxi, China, June 2009
- WHO Climate Conference, Helsingore, May 2009
- Rockwool Meeting, Hedehusene, May 2009
- Force, Lyngby, May 2009
- Annual Celebration of DTU, incl. Minister of Research Helge Sander, Minister of Education, Bertel Harder, Prince of Denmark, Prince Henrik, April 2009.
- Chineese delegation on IT and Energy, Lyngby, April 2009
- DTU Advisory Board Meeting, Lyngby, March 2009
- Technical University of Archen, March 2009
- TU Delft, March 2009
- Green IT Meeting, Dansk IT, Børsen, February 2009
- CECED Seminar, Bruxelles, January 2009
- DTU Informatics, Evaluation Panel, January 2009
- DTU Climate Meeting, DTU BYG, January 2009
- INTERREG Meeting, University of Lund, December 2008
- Green IT and Buildings, EU Joint Research Centre, Ispra, December 2008.
- Green IT and Virtualization, Dansk IT, Copenhagen, November 2008
- Open Source Meeting, DTU, Lyngby, October 2008
- Open Source Days, IT University, October 2008
- Meeting at EPCC, Edingburg, September 2008
- Meeting on Smart Meters, DS, Charlottenlund, August 2008
- International Wind Forecasting Workshop, BPA/California Iso, Oregon, July 2008
- Dong Energy, Skærbæk, July 2008.
- Annual Wind Power Meeting, Nyborg, May 2008.
- EPCC, Edingburg, February 2008.
- CSC, Finland, February 2008.
- Nordjysk Elhandel, Aalborg, January 2008.
- Dong Energy, Hørsholm, January 2008.
- UNIK Seminar, Holbæk, January 2008.
- Wind Power Day, Risø, November 2007.
- Conference ‘The Science of making Torque from the Wind’, Lyngby, August 2007.
- Meeting at Vattenfall, Stockholm, August 2007
- PAGE Satellite Meeting on Stochastic Differential Equations, Copenhagen, June 2007.
- University of Oslo, May 2007.
- CMBC (Center for Model Based Control) Workshop, Glyngøre, May 2007.
- Annual Wind Power Meeting, Snoghøj, April 2007.
- Vattenfall Meeting on Wind Power, March 2007
- Siemens Household Systems, Berlin, February 2007
- Fuji Electric Systems, visit at CET, February 2007.
- Intelligent Databases, SAS Institute, January 2007.
- Zuslon Energy visit at DTU, December 2006.
- Danish Research Organisation for Wind Energy, Annual Meeting, Risø, November 2006.
- University Carlos III de Madrid, June 2006.
- E.ON, Malmø, May 2006.
- Siemens Wind Technology, Brande, May 2006.
- Off-shore Center Denmark, Esbjerg, March 2006.
- 13th Nordic Process Control Workshop, Capec, Copenhagen, January 2006.
- University Carlos III de Madrid, October 2005.
- Dynastee Conference, Athens, October 2005.
- DF seminar on Optimization of DH Systems, Odense, August 2005.
- SUN Workshop on Research and Education, Warsaw, July 2005.
- CECED Workshop on Washing Machines and Energy Labelling, Brussels, June 2005.
- WINDPOWER 2005, Denver, May 2005.
- Visitors from Hong Kong City University, Lyngby, April 2005.
- Meeting at Exhausto, Odense, March 2005.
- Nordita Workshop on High Frequency QPOs, February, 2005.
- IDA Environment Meeting ‘IT and Water’, Copenhagen, November 2004.
- Danish Society for Wind Energy (invited), Ebeltoft, October 2004.
- Danish Center for Scientific Computing (DCSC) (invited), Annual Meeting, University of Southern Denmark, Odense, September 2004.
- Danish Research Organisation for Wind Energy, Annual Meeting, Risø, May 2004.
- Warsaw University of Technology, May 2004.
- DAU Meeting on MPC in Practice, Skærbæk, May 2004.
- Anemos Meeting, Heraklion, Crete, April 2004.
- Global WINDPOWER 2004, Chicago, March 2004.
- Ecole des Mines, Paris, February 2004.
- University of Cottbus, January 2004.
- Danish Society for Wind Energy (invited), Ebeltoft, November 2003.
- European Conference (DAME-BC) (invited), Ispra, November 2003.
- Danish Society for Chemometrics (invited), IDA, Copenhagen, November 2003.
- Visitors from KTH (rector, deans, etc.), Lyngby, October 2003.
- Anemos Meeting, Risø, October 2003.
- ABB User Group Meeting (invited), Stockholm, September 2003.
- IFAC SYSID meeting (invited), Rotterdam, August 2003.
- Technical University of Delft, August 2003.
- First Scandinavian Workshop on Interval Methods and their Applications (invited), Lyngby, August 2003.
- CodeX Conference: Thin Client 2003 (invited), Stockholm, June 2003.
- IMM day, Lyngby, May 2003
- Anemos Meeting, Oldenburg, May 2003
- European Meeting (DAME-BC), Lyngby, March 2003.
- University of Porto, February 2003.
- Meeting on Wind Power Prediction, Nice, November 2002.
- Workshop on System Identification, Joint Research Center, Ispra, September 2002.
- Nordic seminar on Energy Effectivity, Kirkjubæjarklaustur, Iceland, April 2002.
- Global Windpower Conference, Paris, April 2002.
- Danish Society for Chemometrics, Copenhagen, April 2002.
- University of Ulm (OSCA Workshop), February 2002.
- European Education and Research conference, Milan, February 2002.
- Opening of Center for High Performance Computing, Lyngby, February 2002.
- …. many missing
- OR seminar: Finance and mathematical modelling, October 2001.
- … many missing
- Workshop, University of Iceland Reykjavik, November 2000.
- … some are missing
- VAKS workshop, Ry, May 2000.
- DDE workshop, Herlev, February 2000.
- Lecture as a new professor at DTU (Tankefulde tirsdage), January 2000.
- Symposium in Applied Statistics, University of Aalborg, January 2000.
- Ecole des Mines d’Ales (invited), Ales, January 2000.
- CEN Workshop, Arnhem, January 2000.
- Juleforedrag i Dansk Selskab for Teoretisk Statistik, December 1999.
- Workshop on Finance arranged by McKinsey Comp., October 1999.
- Foredrag i ISPRA, October 1999.
- Foredrag i det kongelige bibliotek, September 1999.
- Foredrag ved IFAC World Congress i Peking, Juli 1999.
- Symposiom in Applied Statistics, CHP, January 1999.
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- Danish Society for Math. Teachers, Lyngby, April 1998.
- CEN Workshop, Paris, April 1998.
- Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Oxford, March 1998.
- Workshop on Small-scale Wood Burning (invited), Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, Stockholm, March 1998.
- UWIG Meeting (Utility Wind Interest Group) (invited), San Francisco, March 1998.
- EPRI-DOE-NRAL Wind Energy Forecasting Workshop (invited), San Francisco, March 1998.
- IT-ENERGY seminar on Simulation, Lyngby, January 1998.
- Speak given as the external examiner for a Ph.D. thesis at the Institute of Mathematics, DTU, Lyngby, December 1997.
- Workshop: Water and the European Society – IT Solutions for Tomorrow, Brussels, November 1997.
- PASLING EEIG meeting (invited), Milano, November 1997
- IT-ENERGY seminar on Models for Energy Systems, Billund, October 1997.
- SYSID ’97, 11th IFAC Symposium on System Identification, Kitakyushu, Fukuoka, July 1997.
- CEN Workshop on Quality Ensurance of Automated Measurement Systems, London, May 1997.
- Speak given as the external examiner for a Ph.D. thesis at the Department of Matematical Statistics, University of Lund, April 1997.
- Meeting on wind power predictions, Navplion, February 1997.
- CEN Workshop on Quality Ensurance of Automated Measurement Systems, Milano, January 1997.
- PV-Hybrid meeting, Bruxelles, January 1997.
- CEN Workshop on Quality Ensurance of Automated Measurement Systems, Sevilla, October 1996.
- Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Oxford, September 1996.
- ECMI (9th Conference of the European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry), Lyngby, June 1996.
- CINTEM conference, Hillerød, June 1996.
- Workshop on Quality Assurance in Testing, Analysis and Modelling, Ispra, June 1996.
- PING ’96. Nordic meeting on autonome submarines (invited), Lyngby, May 1996.
- Meeting on IT-centers (invited), Lyngby, May 1996.
- 25 years jubilee celebration meeting in the Danish Society for Theoretical Statistics (invited), Middelfart, May 1996.
- Conference on Marine Monitoring Systems and Technologi (invited), Risø, April 1996.
- Meeting on information technology within the energy sector, Århus, March 1996.
- Meeting on Quality Control of Automated Measuring Systems (invited), Berlin, March 1996.
- Meeting on wind power prediction, Risø, January 1996.
- Sixth Meeting in Quantitative Economics and Econometrics, University of Århus, December 1995.
- N.V.Sep (Dutch Electricity Generating Board) (invited), Arnhem, November 1995.
- RILEM International Workshop on Chloride Penetration into Concrete, Paris, October 1995.
- Course for researchers (invited), Reykjavik, September 1995.
- Selebration talk for the new candidates at the Ingineering Academy (invited), June 1995.
- Nordic Conference on Biostatistics (invited), Gøteborg, June 1995.
- Scientific Committee Meeting of the European Environment Agency, Copenhagen, June 1995.
- Conference arranged by Seven Technologies (invited), Copenhagen, June 1995.
- Expert meeting on System Identification for heat dynamics of building (invited), Joint Research Center, Ispra, May 1995.
- Speak on modelling at HCØ (invited), University of Copenhagen, February 1995.
- ECMI meeting ‘Industrial Mathematics Afternoon’, Lyngby, October 1994.
- Meeting on Models for Wind and Wind Power, Amsterdam, October 1994.
- Application of System Identification in Energy Saving in Building (invited), Joint Research Center, Ispra, October 1994.
- Advanced Time Series Analysis, Fourier University, Grenoble, September 1994.
- Meeting on Forecasting Wind Power Production, Paris, September 1994.
- SYSID special session on grey box modelling, Copenhagen, July, 1994.
- 55th Annual Meeting of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics, Chapel Hill, June 1994.
- Conference on Simulation and Operational Optimization of District Heating Systems, Lyngby, March 1994.
- Workshop on system identification (invited), Joint Research Center, Ispra, October 1993.
- Expert meeting on CEN standard for In-situ measurements (invited), Ispra, September 1993.
- Meeting at SJF (a Research Center under the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fishery), Horsens, August 1993.
- 12th World Congress of IFAC (invited), Sydney, July 1993.
- Workshop on models for the forecasting the wind energy produced in wind mill parks (invited), Nice, May 1993.
- Meeting on models describing the dynamics of wind, Amsterdam, January 1993.
- ASHRAE Conference on Thermal Performance of the Exterior Envelope of Buildings, Clearwater Beach, December 1992.
- Conference arranged by the Danish Society of Automatic Control (DAu) (invited), Lyngby, November 1992.
- Workshop at the Institute of Systems Engineering and Information, Joint Research Center (invited), Ispra, October 1992.
- 14. Nordic Conference on Matematical Statistics (invited), Røros, June 1992.
- Meeting arranged by the Research Committee of the Ministry of Energy, Nyborg, May 1992.
- CEC PASSYS Subgroup Test Methodelogies Meeting, Glascow, April 1992.
- CEC PASSYS Subgroup Test Methodologies Meeting, Leuven, December 1991.
- Meeting on Informatics on DTU, Lyngby, November 1991.
- Department of Mathematical Statistics at the University of Lund (invited), October 1991.
- CEC PASSYS Subgroup Test Methodologies Meeting, Athen, October 1991.
- Workshop on Statistical Methods for Model Validation, Delft, September 1991.
- Main speaker at the annual meeting of DFF (invited), Billund, August 1991.
- CEC PASSYS Subgroup Test Methodologies Meeting, Porto, May 1991.
- CEC PASSYS Subgroup Test Methodologies Meeting, Catania, January 1991.
- Speak given as the external examiner for a Ph.D. thesis at the Department of Matematical Statistics, University of Lund, November 1990.
- BFS meeting in ‘Ingeniørforeningen’, November 1990.
- Workshop ved Institute of Systems Engineering and Informatics, Joint Research Center (invited), Ispra, November 1990.
- CEC PASSYS Subgroup Test Methodologies Meeting, Vipperød, September 1990.
- Meeting arranged by the Research Committee under the Ministry of Energy, Nyborg, May 1990.
- CEC PASSYS Subgroup Test Methodologies Meeting, Almeria, May 1990.
- Meeting arranged by DAKOFA in ‘Ingeniørforeningen’ (invited), April 1990.
- Fourth International Meeting on Statistical Climatology, Rotorua, March 1989.
- The Øresund Symposium on Statistics, University of Copenhagen, March 1989.
- Meeting arranged by LIC-Consult (now LICenergy), Birkerød, December 1988.
- University of Helsinki (invited), Helsinki, October 1988.
- CEC PASSYS Subgroup Test Methodologies Meeting, Stuttgart, September 1988.
- The Eigth International Symposium on Forecasting, Amsterdam, June 1988.
- IMSOR seminar on Cross Validation, Jackknife and Bootstrap Techniques, November 1987.
- 10. Conference on Probability and Statistics in Atmospheric Science, Edmonton, October 1987.
- 3. International Congress on Building Energy Management, Lausanne, September 1987.
- IMSOR seminar on Robust Estimation in Time Series, Lyngby, April 1987.
- Seminar arranged by WHO: ‘Emission of Trace Organics from Municipal Solid Waste Incinerators’, Copenhagen, January 1987.
- Seminar on District Heating arranged by the Nordic Counsil (Nordisk Ministerråd), Copenhagen, January 1987.
- Seminar in Mathematical Statistics at the University of Lund, December 1986.
- Two-days meeting in the ‘Danish Society for Theoretical Statistics’, Copenhagen, November 1986.
- 3rd International Symposium: Climate – Building – Housing, Karlsruhe, September 1986.
- Third International Conference on Statistical Climatology, Wienna, juni 1986.
- IMSOR seminar on statistically determined dynamical models for climate processes, Lyngby, January 1986.
- Workshop at ‘CLIMA2000’ with the title “Importance on Weather conditions”, Copenhagen, August 1985.
- IMSOR seminar on statistical models for the components of solar radiation, March 1984.
- II International Meeting on Statistical Climatology, Lisbon, September 1983.
- Symposium in Applied Statistics (Symposium i Anvendt Statistik), University of Copenhagen, January 1983.
- Nordic Meeting on Research Related to Concrete (invited), Copenhagen, March 1980.