Publications 1990-1999

Publications 1999

Journal articles

  • Bechmann, Henrik; Nielsen, Marinus K.; Madsen, Henrik; Poulsen, Niels Kjølstad. Grey-box Modelling of Pollutant Loads From a Sewer System. In: Urban Water, Vol. 1, 1999, p. 71-78. (pdf)
  • Thyregod, Peter; Carstensen, Niels Jacob; Madsen, Henrik; Arnbjerg-Nielsen, Karsten. Integer Valued Autoregressive Models for Tipping Bucket Rainfall Measurements. In: Environmetrics, Vol. 10, 1999, p. 395-411. (pdf)
  • Harremoes, P.; Madsen, Henrik. Fiction and Reality in The Modelling World. In: Wat. Sci. Tech., Vol. 39, No. 9, 1999, p. 1-8. (pdf)

Article in proceedings

  • Øjelund, Henrik; Sadegh, Payman; Madsen, Henrik; Thyregod, Poul. Subset Selection by Local Convex Approximation. Symposium i Anvendt Statistik. Copenhagen : AKF – SFI SUrvey, 1999. p. 220-230.
  • Nielsen, Torben Skov; Madsen, Henrik; Joensen, Alfred K.; Landberg, Lars; Giebel, Gregor; Watson, S.J.; Laursen, L.; Jorgensen, J.U.; Dalas, D.P.; Tofting, John; Ravn, H.; MacCarty, E.; Davis, E.; Chapman, J. Implementation of Short-term Prediction. Wind energy for the next millennium. Proceedings. ed. / E.L. Petersen; P. Hjuler Jensen; K. Rave; P. Helm; H. Ehmann. London : James and James Science Publishers, 1999. p. 57-62.
  • Nielsen, Torben Skov; Madsen, Henrik; Tofting, John. Experiences with Statistical Methods for Wind Power Prediction. Proceedings from EWEC ’99. 1999.
  • Nielsen, Jan Nygaard; Madsen, Henrik; Young, Peter. Parameter Estimation in Nonlinear Stochastic Differential Equations: An Overview. Proceedings of 14th IFAC World Congress – Vol J.. Elsevier, 1999. p. 289-294.
  • Bak, Jakob; Nielsen, Henrik Aalborg; Madsen, Henrik; Linde, Peter (Editor); Holm, Anders (Editor). Goodness of fit of stochastic differential equations. 21. Symposium i anvendt statistik. 1999.
  • Joensen, Alfred K.; Giebel, Gregor; Landberg, Lars; Madsen, Henrik; Nielsen, Henrik Aalborg, orlov 31.07.2008. Model output statistics applied to wind power prediction. Proceedings of Wind energy for the next millennium. ed. / E.L. Petersen; P. Hjuler Jensen; K. Rave; P. Helm; H. Ehmann. London : James and James Science Publishers, 1999. p. 1177-1180.
  • Andersen, Klaus Kaae; Lundby, Mads; Madsen, Henrik. Identification of continuous time smooth threshold models of physical systems. Joint Statistical Meetings. 1999.


  • Nielsen, Jan Nygaard; Madsen, Henrik; Melgaard, H. Estimating parameters in discretely, partially observed stochastic differential equations. 1999.
  • Nielsen, Torben Skov; Landberg, Lars; Madsen, Henrik; Joensen, Alfred K.; Giebel, G.; Watson, S.J.; Laursen, L.; Jorgensen, J.U.; Dalas, D.P.; Tofting, J.; Ravn, H.; MacCarty, E.; Davis, E.; Chapman, J. Implementing short-term prediction at utilities. 1999. 350 p.
  • Nielsen, Henrik Aalborg; Nielsen, Torben Skov; Joensen, Alfred K.; Madsen, Henrik; Holst, Jan. Tracking Time-Varying Coefficient-Functions. 1999. 28 p.
  • Nielsen, Torben Skov; Nielsen, Henrik Aalborg; Madsen, Henrik; Tofting, John; Parbo, Henning; Grud, Arne; Sorensen, Aksel Gruelund. Using meteorological forecasts in on-line predictions of wind power. 1999. 300 p.
  • Sadegh, Payman; Nielsen, Henrik Aalborg, orlov 31.07.2008; Madsen, Henrik. A Semi-parametric Approach for Decomposition of Absorption Spectra in the Presence of Unknown Components. Department of Mathematical Modelling, Technical University of Denmark, 1999.

Publications 1998


  • Madsen, Henrik; Nielsen, Jan Nygaard; Baadsgaard, Mikkel. Stratistics in Finance. DTU : Informatics and Mathematical Modelling, Technical University of Denmark, DTU, 1998. 336 p.

Journal articles

  • Thyregod, Peter; Arnbjerg-Nielsen, Karsten; Madsen, Henrik; Carstensen, Niels Jacob. Modelling the embedded rainfall process using tipping bucket data. In: Water Science and Technology, Vol. 37, No. 11, 1998, p. 57-64. (pdf)
  • Arnbjerg-Nielsen, Karsten; Madsen, Henrik; Harremoës, Poul. Formulating and testing a rain series generator based on tipping bucket gauges. In: Water Science and Technology, Vol. 37, No. 11, 1998, p. 47-55. (pdf)
  • Jacobsen, Judith L.; Madsen, Henrik; Harremoës, Poul. Modelling the dynamical effect of solar radiation on the oxygen content of a small creek. In: Environmetrics, Vol. 9, 1998, p. 3-14. (pdf)
  • Nielsen, Jan Nygaard; Vestergaard, M.; Madsen, Henrik. Estimation in Continuois-time Stochastic Volatility Models using Nonlinear Filters. In: Int. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance, 1998, p. 1-29. (pdf not available at this time)
  • Nielsen, Bjarne; Madsen, Henrik. Identifcation of a Linear COntinuous Time Stochastic Model of the Heat Dynamics of a Greenhouse. In: J. agric. Engng Res., Vol. 71, 1998, p. 249-256. (pdf)
  • Sadegh, Payman; Hansen, Lars H.; Madsen, Henrik; Holst, Jan. Input design for linear dynamic systems using maxmin criteria. In: Journal of Information & Optimization Sciences, Vol. 19, No. 2, 1998, p. 223-240. (pdf)
  • Nielsen, Torben Skov; Joensen, Alfred K.; Madsen, Henrik; Landberg, Lars; Giebel, Gregor. A New Reference for Wind Power Forecasting. In: Wind Energy, Vol. 1, No. 1, 1998, p. 29-34. (pdf)
  • Bechmann, Henrik; Nielsen, Marinus K.; Madsen, Henrik; Poulsen, Niels Kjølstad. Control of Sewer systems and Wastewater treatment plants using pollutant concentration profiles. In: Water Science and Technology, Vol. 37, No. 12, 1998, p. 87-93. (pdf)

Article in proceedings

  • Nielsen, Jan Nygaard; Vestergaard, M.; Madsen, Henrik. Nonlinear Filtering of Univariate Stochastic Volatillity Models. Proceedings of the 14th IFAC World Congress – Vol. M. Elsevier, 1998. p. 123-128.
  • Jonsdottir, Harpa; Jacobsen, Judith L.; Madsen, Henrik. A Grey Box Model for the Hydraulics in a Creek. Biometry at work towards environment 2000. Victoria Falls : Environmetrics, 1998.
  • Bechmann, Henrik; Nielsen, M.K.; Madsen, Henrik; Poulsen, Niels Kjølstad. Grey-Box Modelling of pollutant Loads from the Sewer System for Control of Equalisation Basins. the Fourth International Conference on Developments in Urban Drainage Modelling (UDM’98), London, UK. 1998. p. 773-780.


  • Nielsen, Jan Nygaard; Madsen, Henrik; Melgaard, H.; Baadsgaard, Mikkel. Estimation of embedded parameters in stochastic differential equations using discret-time measurements : Part 2: Nonlinear systems. 1998. 23 p.
  • Nielsen, Jan Nygaard; Madsen, Henrik. Estimtion of embedded parameters in stochastic differential equations using discrete-time measurements : Part 1: Linear Systems. 1998. 29 p.
  • Madsen, Henrik; Nielsen, Jan Nygaard; Nielsen, Torben Skov. A Guide for Using CUSUM Techniques for Quality Assurance of Measurement Systems. 1998. 20 p.
  • Madsen, Henrik; Iversen, Jorgen; Nielsen, Jan Nygaard; Nielsen, Torben Skov. Design Values for the CUSUM-MS Chart. 1998. 8 p.
  • Nielsen, Jan Nygaard; Madsen, Henrik. Online data validation : Outlier detection and accomodation. 1998. 27 p.
  • Madsen, Henrik. On the Mathematics behind the CUSUM Control Charts. 1998. 23 p.
  • Madsen, Henrik. An Introduction to CUSUM Charts for COntrolling Measurement Systems. 1998. 13 p.
  • Nielsen, Torben Skov; Madsen, Henrik; Tøfting, John. WPPT, A Tool for On-Line Wind Power Prediction. 1998. 23 p. (pdf)
  • Nielsen, Henrik Aalborg; Madsen, Henrik. SAS-makroer til estimation og prædiktion i elforbrugsmodel. Institut for Matematisk Modellering, |Danmarks Tekniske Universitet, Lyngby, 1998. 33 p. (Technical Reports).
  • Nielsen, Henrik Aalborg; Madsen, Henrik. Some Tools for Identification of Nonlinear Time Series. Department of Mathematical Modelling, Technical University of Denmark, 1998. 27 p.
  • Nielsen, Henrik Aalborg, orlov 31.07.2008; Andersen, Klaus Kaae; Madsen, Henrik. Empirisk bestemt model for elforbruget i Østdanmark. Institut for Matematisk Modellering, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet, 1998.

Publications 1997


  • Madsen, Henrik; Holst, Jan. Lecture notes for Advanced Time Series Analysis. 1997.

Book chapters

  • Tamstorf, Rasmus Peter; Madsen, Henrik; Carstensen, Jens M. On Optical Flow Estimation in Radar Images for Precipitation Forecasting. Operational Water Management, Refsgaard & Karalis (eds). CRC Press/Balkema, Rotterdam, 1997. p. 65-72.

Journal articles

  • Jacobsen, Judith L.; Madsen, Henrik; Harremoës, Poul. A Stochastic model for two-station hydraulics exhibiting transient impact. In: Water Science and Technology, Vol. 36, No. 5, 1997, p. 19-26. (pdf)

Article in proceedings

  • Madsen, Henrik; Zhou, Jianjun; Hansen, Lars Henrik. Identification of Physical Parameters for A Hydraulic Robot. Identification of Physical Parameters for A Hydraulic Robot. 1997.
  • Thyregod, P.; Madsen, Henrik; Carstensen, Niels Jacob; Arnbjerg-Nielsen, Karsten. Integer valued autoregressive models for rainfall measurement processes. Operational Water Management. (eds. Refsgaard,J.C., Karalis,E.A.). Rotteerdam, NL : CRC Press/Balkema, Rotteerdam, NL, 1997. p. 121-126.
  • Jacobsen, Judith L.; Madsen, Henrik; Harremoes, Poul. Estimation of a low pass filter for solar radiation data. Progress in Industrial Mathamatics at ECMI 96. ed. / M. Brøns; P. Bendsøe; M. P. Sørensen. Stuttgart : B.G. Teubner Stuttgart Leipzig, 1997. p. 35-42.
  • Nielsen, Torben Skov; Madsen, Henrik. Control of Supply Temperature in District Heating Systems – An Application.. 7. International Symposium on District Heating and Simulation. 1997.
  • Thyregod, Peter; Arnbjerg-Nielsen, Karsten; Carstensen, J.; Madsen, Henrik. Modelling the Embedded Rainfall Process using Tipping Bucket Data. Third International Workshop on Rainfall in Urban Areas. 1997. p. 197-204.
  • Sadegh, Payman; Hansen, Lars Henrik; Madsen, Henrik; Holst, Jan. Maxmin Input Design for Linear Dynamic Systems. 11th IFAC Symposium on System Identification, Vol. 3. 1997. p. 1431-1436.
  • Baadsgaard, Mikkel Topp; Nielsen, Jan Nygaard; Spliid, Henrik; Madsen, Henrik. Estimation in Stochastic Differential Equations with a State Dependent Diffusion Term : 11th IFAC Symposium on System Identification, Vol. 3. llth IFAC Symposium on System Identification, Vol. 3. Kitakyushu, Fokuoka, 1997. p. 1425-1430.
  • Nielsen, Henrik Aalborg; Nielsen, Torben Skov; Madsen, Henrik; Holst, Helle (Editor); La Cour, Lisbeth (Editor); Høskuldsson, Agnar (Editor). Local fitting of autoregressive models with external input. Symposium i anvendt statistik. 1997. p. 175-188.
  • Nielsen, Henrik Aalborg; Madsen, Henrik; Nielsen, Torben Skov; Pálsson, Ólafur Pétur (Editor). Conditionally Parametric ARX-models for Modelling time delays in district heating systems. International Symposium on District Heating and Simulation. 1997.
  • Nielsen, Henrik Aalborg, orlov 31.07.2008; Nielsen, Torben Skov; Madsen, Henrik; Sawaragi, Yoshikazu (Editor); Sagara, Setsuo. ARX-models with parameter variations estimated by| local fitting. 11th IFAC Symposium on System Identification. 1997. p. 475-480.
  • Espensen, A.M.; Bergstrøm, W.; Nielsen, Henrik Aalborg, orlov 31.07.2008; Madsen, Henrik. Implementation of mini CHP. 7th International Symposium on district Heating and Simulation. 1997.


  • Madsen, Henrik; Zhou, Jianjun; Hansen, Lars Henrik. Modelling of Hydraulic Robot. 1997. 30 p.
  • Jacobsen, Judith L.; Madsen, Henrik; Rauch, Wolfgang; Harremoes, Poul. A Method for Automatic Calibration of Parameters of an Integrated Model. 1997.
  • Nielsen, Torben Skov; Madsen, Henrik. Using meteorological forecasts in on-line predictions of wind power.. 1997. 77 p.
  • Madsen, Henrik; Iwersen, J. Design of CUSUM Control Charts for Emission Data : CEN/TC 264/WG9, No. 41. 1997.
  • Nielsen, Henrik Aalborg, orlov 31.07.2008; Madsen, Henrik. Development of methods for evaluation of electricity savings and load levelling Measures, Part 3: Experimental Assessment of the Effect of a Power Conservation Campaign. Department of Mathematical Modelling, Technical University of Denmark, DK-2800 Lyngby, Denmark in collaboration with NESA A/S, 1997.
  • Nielsen, Henrik Aalborg, orlov 31.07.2008; Madsen, Henrik. Development of methods for evaluation of electricity savings and load levelling Measures, Part 1: Aggregated Power Consumption Models for the Eastern Part of Denmark. Department of Mathematical Modelling, Technical University of Denmark, DK-2800 Lyngby, Denmark in collaboration with NESA A/S, 1997.

Publications 1996

Journal articles

  • Jacobsen, Judith L.; Madsen, Henrik; Harremoes, Poul. Modelling the transient impact of rain events on the oxygen content of a small creek. In: Water Science and Technology, Vol. 33, No. 2, 1996, p. 177-185. (pdf)
  • Madsen, Henrik; Jacobsen, Judith L. Grey Box Modelling of Oxygen Levels in a Small Stream. In: Environmetrics, Vol. 7, 1996, p. pp. 109-121. (pdf)

Article in proceedings

  • Carstensen, J.; Kjølby, M.; Harremoës, P.; Madsen, Henrik. Interpretation of a pumping station as an on-line flow measurement. Interpretation of a pumping station as an on-line flow measurement. Hannover, Germany : SuG-Verlagsgesellschaft, 1996.
  • Nielsen, Jan Nygaard; Madsen, Henrik. Modelling heat dynamics using thermal networks : Chapter 13 in System Identification Competition. System Identification Competition. Ispra, Italy : Bloem, J.J., Stampa, Arta, 1996.
  • Baadsgaard, Mikkel Topp; Nielsen, Jan Nygaard; Madsen, Henrik; Preisel, M. Sampling Techniques in stochastic differential equations : Conference on Mathematical Finance. Sampling Techniques in stochastic differential equations. 1996.
  • Madsen, Henrik; Nielsen, Jan Nygaard; Krøijer, F.; Preisel, P. Conditional Maximul Likelihood Estimation in Coupon-bond Pricing. : Symposium in Applied Statistics, Odense University. Conditional Maximul Likelihood Estimation in Coupon-bond Pricing.. Odense, 1996.
  • Madsen, Henrik; Nielsen, Bjarne. Predictive Control of Air Temperature in Greenhouses : 13th World Congress of IFAC, San Francisco, California, July 1996. Predictive Control of Air Temperature in Greenhouses. San Francisco : International Federation of Automatic Control, 1996.
  • Madsen, Henrik; Thyregod, Poul. An Outline of Methods for Statistical Quality Control of Measurement Processes : Quality Assurance in Testing, Analysis and Modelling, JRC European Commission. Quality Assurance in Testing, Analysis and Modelling, JRC European Commission, Special Publication No. 1.96.71.. Bloem, J.J. (ed.), 1996.
  • Madsen, Henrik; Melgaard, Henrik; Holst, Jan. Application of a Thermal Network Model on Case 3. System Identification Competition. Application of a Thermal Network Model on Case 3. System Identification Competion. Bloem, J.J. (ed.), 1996.
  • Madsen, Henrik. Modelling of Heat Dynamics using Thermal Networks : System Identification Competition. System Identification Competition. Bloem, J.J. (ed.), 1996.
  • Nielsen, Henrik Aalborg; Madsen, Henrik. Wind Power Prediction using ARX Models and Neural Networks : Proceedings of the Fifteenth IASTED International Conference on Modelling, Identification and Control. Proceedings of the 15th IASTED International Conf. on Modelling, Identification adn Control. 1996.


  • Nielsen, Henrik Aalborg; Madsen, Henrik. Models and Methods for Predicting Wind Power. 1996.
  • Madsen, Henrik. En Statistisk Bearbejdning af Slaggeanalyser og Forslag til Godkendelse af Slagger. 1996.
  • Madsen, Henrik. Operational Quality Assurance of Measuring Systems during Operations, CUSUM Control Charts : CEN/TC264/WG 9, N.25. 1996.
  • Madsen, Henrik; Nielsen, Henrik Aalborg; Nielsen, Torben Skov; Søgaard, Henning T. Control of Supply Temperature : EFP 1323/93-07. 1996. 195 p.

Publications 1995


  • Nielsen, Henrik Aalborg; Madsen, Henrik. Off-line Wind Power Prediction Tool. Version 1.0 – Users Manual. Institut for Matematisk Modellering, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet, 1995.

Journal articles

  • Carstensen, Niels Jacob; Harremoës, Poul; Madsen, Henrik. Statistical Identification of Monod-Kinetic Parameters from On-line Measurements. In: Water Science and Technology, Vol. 31, No. 2, 1995, p. 125-133. (pdf)
  • Nielsen, B.; Madsen, Henrik. Identification of Transfer Functions for Control of Greenhouse Air Temperature. In: Journal Agric. Engng.Res., Vol. 60, 1995, p. 25-34. (pdf)
  • Sadegh, Payman; Holst, Jan; Madsen, Henrik; Melgaard, Henrik. Experiment Design for Grey Box Identification. In: International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing, Vol. 9, 1995, p. 491-507. (pdf not available at this time)
  • Madsen, Henrik; Holst, Jan. Estimation of Continuous-Time Models for the Heat Dynamics of a Building. In: Energy and Buildings, Vol. 22, 1995, p. 67-79. (pdf)

Articles in proceedings

  • Nielsen, Marinus K.; Carstensen, Jacob; Madsen, Henrik; Poulsen, Niels Kjølstad; Harremoës, Poul. Methodologies for the Analysis of Data from Sewers and Wastewater Treatment Plants. Proceedings of Nordic Seminar on Nitrogen removal from Municipal Wastewater. Otaniemi : Helsinki University, 1995.
  • Sadegh, Payman; Madsen, Henrik; Holst, J. Optimal input design for fault detection and diagnosis. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. Vol. Volume 2 IEEE, 1995. p. 1147-1148. (pdf)
  • Nielsen, Marinus K.; Carstensen, Niels Jacob; Madsen, Henrik; Poulsen, Niels Kjølstad; Harremo, Poul. Methodologies for the Analysis of Data From Sewersm and Wastewater Treatment Plants. Nordic Seminar on Nitrogen removal from Municipal Wastewater Finland. 1995.


  • Nielsen, Henrik Aalborg, orlov 31.07.2008; Madsen, Henrik. Model for brændselsforbrug og elproduktion på Korsør kraftvarmeværk. Institut for Matematisk Modellering, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet, 1995.

Publications 1994

Journal articles

  • Palsson, Olafur Petur; Madsen, Henrik; Søgaard, Henning Tangen. Generalized Predictive Control for Non-Stationary Systems. In: Automatica, Vol. 30, No. 12, 1994, p. 1991-1997. (pdf)
  • Madsen, Henrik. On Flow and Supply Temperture Control in District Heating Systems. In: Heat Recovery Systems and CHP, Vol. 14, No. 6, 1994, p. 613-620. (pdf)
  • Sejling, Ken; Madsen, Henrik; Holst, Jan; Holst, Ulla; Englund, J.E. Methods for Robust Estimation of AR-parameters. In: Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, Vol. 17, 1994, p. 509-536. (pdf)
  • Vikelsøe, J.; Madsen, Henrik; Hansen, K. Emission of Dioxins from Danish Wood-Stoves. In: Chemosphere, Vol. 29, No. 9-11, 1994, p. 2019-2027. (pdf)
  • Carstensen, Jakob; Madsen, Henrik; Poulsen, Niels Kjølstad; Nielsen, Marinus K. Identification of wastewater treatment processes for nutrient removal on a full-scale WWTP by statistical methods. In: Water Research, Vol. 28, No. 10, 1994, p. 2055-2066. (pdf)

Articles in proceedings

  • Sadegh, Payman; Melgaard, Henrik; Madsen, Henrik; Holst, Jan. Optimal experiment design for identification of grey-box models. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. Vol. Volume 1 IEEE, 1994. p. 132-137. (pdf)

Conference articles

  • Nielsen, Marinus K.; Madsen, Henrik; Carstensen, Niels Jacob. Identification and Control of Nutrient Removing Processes in Wastewater Treatment Plants. In: Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Control Applications, Vol. 2, 1994, p. 1005-1010.

Ph.D. theses

  • Carstensen, Niels Jacob; Madsen, Henrik (Supervisor). Identification of wastewater processes. Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark : Technical University of Denmark (DTU), 1994. (IMSOR Ph.D Thesis; No. 73). (pdf)

Publications 1993

Journal articles

  • Palsson, Olafur Petur; Madsen, Henrik; Søgaard, Henning Tangen. Application of Predictive Control in District Heating Systems. In: Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy, Vol. 207, No. A3, 1993, p. 157-163. (pdf)
  • Carstensen, Jakob; Madsen, Henrik; Poulsen, Niels Kjølstad; Nielsen, Marinus K. Grey box modelling in two time domains of a wastewater pilot scale plant. In: Environmetrics, Vol. 4, 1993, p. 187-208. (pdf not available at this time)


  • Madsen, Henrik; Schultz, J. M. Short Time Determination Of The Heat Dynamics Of Buildings. Thermal Insulation Laboratory, Report No. 243, The Technical University of Denmark, 1993. (pdf)

Publications 1992


  • Madsen, Henrik; Søgaard, Henning Tangen; Sejling, Ken; Palsson, Olafur Petur. Models and Methods for Optimization of District Heating Systems. : Part II: Models and Control Methods. Technical University of Denmark : Institut for Matematisk Statistik og Operationsanalyse, 1992. 206 p.

Journal articles

  • Thyregod, Poul; Madsen, Henrik. On an Adaptive Acceptance Control Chart for Autocorrelated Processes. In: Frontiers in Statistical Quality Control, Vol. 4, 1992, p. 138-154. (pdf not available at this time)

Articles in proceedings

  • Holst, Jan; Holst, Ulla; Madsen, Henrik; Melgaard, Henrik. Validation of Grey Box Models. Selected Papers from the 4th IFAC Symposium on Adaptive Systems in Control and Signal Processing. ed. / L. Dugaard; M. M’Saad; I.D. Landau. Pergamon Press, 1992. p. 407-414.


  • Sejling, Ken; Madsen, Henrik; Henningsen, Arne; Poulsen, Niels Kjølstad. Methods for quantification of the estimator uncertainty in recursive estimation of restricted. Institute of Mathematical Statistics and Operations Research (IMSOR), The Technical University of Denmark, 1992.
  • Carstensen, Jacob; Madsen, Henrik; Poulsen, Niels Kjølstad. Identification of wastewater processes using nonlinear grey box models. Institute of Mathematical Statistics and Operations Research (IMSOR), The Technical University of Denmark, 1992.

Conference papers

  • An Investigation of CTLSM and MRQT Using Simulated Test Sequences
    Melgaard, H. / Madsen, H. / Holst, J. / Commission of the European Communities / Institute for Systems Engineering and Informatics / Non Nuclear Energy Group
    in NON NUCLEAR ENERGIES; 107-112; Parameter identification methods and physical reality
    by Joint Research Centre, Commission of the European Communities; 1992 (pdf)

Publications 1991

Articles in proceedings

  • Madsen, Henrik; Nielsen, Bo Friis; Jensen, A. (Editor); Iversen, V.B. (Editor). The Use of Phase Type Distributions for Modelling Packet-Switched Traffic. Teletraffic and Datatraffic in a Period of Change. Elsevier Science Publishers, 1991. p. 593-599.

Publications 1990


  • Madsen, Henrik; Søgaard, Henning Tangen; Sejling, Ken; Palsson, Olafur Petur. Models and Methods for Optimization of District Heating Systems. : Part I: Models and Identification Methods. Technical University of Denmark : Institut for Matematisk Statistik og Operationsanalyse, 1990. 218 p.

Journal articles

  • Manscher, O.H.; Heidam, N.Z.; Vikelsøe, J.; Nielsen, P.; Blinksbjerg, P.; Madsen, Henrik; Pallesen, Lars; Tierman, T.O. The Danish Incinerator Dioxin Study .1.. In: Chemosphere, Vol. 20, No. 10-12, 1990, p. 1779-1784. (pdf)

Articles in proceedings

  • Melgaard, Henrik; Hendricks, Elbert; Madsen, Henrik. Continuous Identification of a Four-Stroke SI Engine. American Control Conference. IEEE, 1990. p. 1876-1881. (pdf)